Online Dental Assisting → Session 5

DA-105 Dental Laboratory (DA-105)

During this session the student will learn about the most common dental laboratory equipment used in a dental office as well as how to take alginate impressions and pour the impressions up with buff stone. Students will also learn about teeth whitening and bruxism.
At the end of this session students will learn how to operate the common dental laboratory equipment in a dental office. They will also learn how to take an alginate impression, pour it up and trim the model to be used to make a custom bleaching tray and night guard.
To assist our students in learning more effectively, each student will receive a take home kit that will have alginate impression material with different sizes of trays and a dental model that you can practice on at home while watching the instructional video and power point.
There will be several quizzes and competencies to test the students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject.
All of our students have 24/7 access to their instructor via our exclusive mobile app group to ask for guidance as needed.
  • 5.1 Dental Laboratory Equipment
  • 5.2 Quiz: Dental Laboratory Equipment
  • 5.3 Impression Materials & Laboratory Procedures Chapter 22 (pgs. 348-365)
  • 5.4 How to mix alginate impression material
  • 5.5 Alginate Impression Mix
  • 5.6 Pouring up impression with stone
  • 5.7 Poured up stone
  • 5.8 Impression Materials & Lab Quiz
  • 5.9 How to Remove model from impression
  • 5.10 Removed Model assignment
  • 5.11 How to trim the model
  • 5.12 Quiz: Model making process
  • 5.13 Teeth Whitening
  • 5.14 How to make whitening Tray
  • 5.15 What is a Night Guard
  • 5.16 How to Make a Night Guard tray
  • 5.17 Teeth whitening and night guard quiz
  • 5.18 Session 5 Test
  • 5.19 Session 5 (DA-105c) Competency
  • Dental Interview webinar
  • 5.20 Mid-Term Test
  • all the assignments have been checked and passed
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed